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기차모형, 철도모형, 디오라마, 모형

Athearn 71493 HO RTR SD39, B&M #690

[해외배송 가능상품]
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기본 정보
상품명 Athearn 71493 HO RTR SD39, B&M #690
판매가 199,000원
소비자가 269,000원

무통장 입금 결제3,980원 (2%)

신용카드 결제1,990원 (1%)

실시간 계좌 이체1,990원 (1%)

배송비 고객직접선택
상품요약정보 즉시 구매 가능
제조사 정가 USD 189.99
수량 수량증가수량감소

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최소주문수량 1개 이상 / 최대주문수량 0개 이하

상품 목록
상품명 상품수 가격
Athearn 71493 HO RTR SD39, B&M #690 수량증가 수량감소 199000  0
옵션 정보
TOTAL 0 (0개)

할인가가 적용된 최종 결제예정금액은 주문 시 확인할 수 있습니다.

판매자 정보


  • Built as Illinois Terminal, these SD39's were purchased by the NW before going to the Guilford. Our models represent the time period before they were painted into Guilford grey and orange. These well worn black painted units still retained their as-built features such as: battery box-mounted "gong" bell, smaller fuel tank, non DB hatch, and hi-mounted brake cylinder trucks. #690 features a very faded "Norfolk Western" lettering on the long hood.


  • Separately applied air tanks
  • Coupler cut levers
  • Rubber MU hoses
  • Photo-etch stainless steel windshield wipers
  • Fine scale handrails
  • Non-sound version features 21-pin NEM DCC plug
  • See-through dynamic brake and radiator fans
  • Curved radiator fan grab iron
  • Exhaust stack
  • Frame-mounted bell (unless noted)
  • Detailed 4000 gallon fuel tank (unless different capacity is noted)
  • Flexicoil-C trucks with high or low brake cylinders (per prototype)
  • McHenry® scale knuckle spring couplers
  • See-through cab windows
  • Bi-directional LED lighting
  • All-wheel drive with precision gears for smooth and quiet operation
  • All-wheel electrical pickup
  • 5-pole motor with flywheels and multi-link drivetrain for trouble-free operation
  • Wheels with RP25 contours operate on all popular brands of track
  • Painted and printed for realistic decoration
  • Highly-detailed, injection molded body
  • Minimum radius: 18"
  • Recommended radius: 22"


  • Duplicated look and feel of "In Service"equipment
  • Faded base colors matched to the prototype
  • Perfect starting point for adding grime and rust


  • Onboard Econami sound decoder by Soundtraxx
  • • Engine startup sound sequence
  • Dynamic brake sound or Non-Dynamic Straight to idle on F4
  • Extra prime mover and horn sounds exclusive to Athearn 
  • Sounds recorded from a real EMD 12-645E3
  • Multiple bell sound files user configurable via Configuration Value (CV)
  • Sound units operate in both DC and DCC
  • Full DCC functions available when operated in DCC mode
  • Engine, horn, and bell sounds work in DC
  • All functions NMRA compatible in DCC mode
  • Excellent Slow speed control
  • Current Keeper ready with on board expansion plug
  • Operating lighting functions with F5 and/or F6
  • Program a multiple unit (MU) lashup with lead unit only horn, bell, and lights
  • Many functions can be altered via CV changes


In 1966, EMD updated its locomotive catalog with entirely new models, all powered by the new 645 diesel engine. The SD39 had 2,300 hp from a turbocharged V12. The SD39 had the smallest prime mover of the SD locomotives in the EMD catalog. 54 were built for American railroads.

This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article "EMD SD39"; it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the CC-BY-SA. 


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교환 및 반품안내

교환 및 반품 주소
- [14557] 경기도 부천시 부천로198번길 18 (춘의동) 춘의테크노파크II 201동 405호

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고객센터 : 032-1522-4158 카카오톡 : bahnhada E - Mail : bahnhada@naver.com 매장 위치 : 경기도 부천시 부천로198번길 18, 춘의테크노파크2차 201동 405호 방문 전 예약 권장! : 코로나 바이러스 예방을 위하여 방문 전 연락 부탁드립니다. 영업시간 : 월~토 10:00~19:00 (매주 일요일은 휴무입니다.)


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